Myth #1

You need constant hustle to succeed.

Myth #2

Big ideas automatically lead to big earnings.

Myth #3

You need a large team to make significant income.

"FACT: If traditional outreach methods were effective for solo professionals, you wouldn’t be seeking alternatives.

You understand the importance of client acquisition, so why do conventional methods feel so inefficient and impersonal?

It's not just you. Traditional methods overlook the intimate dynamics of service based businesses. Enter the $100K Day Workshop — specifically designed to address the impersonal nature of mass-marketing outreach.

Through hands-on exercises and real-time engagement, this workshop provides a practical and "relieving" approach to revolutionize your outreach, ensuring you're not just reaching out, but truly connecting AND converting.

Myth #1

Goals need to feel good.

Myth #2

Big goals inspire action

Myth #3

Affirmations unlock the actions.

FACT: If those were true for Your Brain Type, you wouldn’t be reading this right now.

You're smart enough to know that you need goals to be successful, so then why doesn't "goal setting" work for you?

Trust me, it's not just you — in fact, for some people goal setting can actually lead to self-sabotage. While "goal setting" is a popular concept, it's far from the only way to achieve the success you know you're capable of.

The Goal-Hacking Micro-Series has been carefully crafted to guide you through 5 Action-Labs, all proven with neuroscience research, to help you crack the code to your unique Brain DNA so you can start seeing things through to completion!


A Hands-On Experience to Amplify Your Outreach And Increase Your Inbound Leads!


In this LIVE 3-HOUR virtual workshop, we'll guide you through the proven steps to enhance your client acquisition and organically increase your revenue generation.

You’ll have the opportunity to engage in real-time conversations and non-salesy outreach strategies. You won't just learn - you'll do!

Get ready to uncover:

  • The #1 Mistake Authority Professionals Make When Approaching Outbound Marketing

  • Simple Steps to Navigate Networking, Create Captivating Connections, Master Meaningful Messaging, and Reach Referrals Partners who will ACTUALLY bring you business!

  • 3 Key Steps to Create Qualified Inbound Leads On Demand

  • The Missing Link to Get Fortunate From Your Follow-Up!


A Micro-Series On The Neuroscience of Surpassing Your Loftiest Ambitions

Join us January 11 to 17 at 9:30 AM PST/Noon EST

In this 5-part micro-series, you’ll be guided through focused action-labs designed with decades of neuroscience research to crack the code to your unique Brain DNA so you can stop self-sabotaging and start seeing things through to completion. Not only will you walk away with your Customized Brain Map, you'll also learn:

  • The #1 mistake accomplished adults make when ‘setting’ new goals.

  • How to train your brain so you can master the art of excellence with ease, authenticity and authority.

  • 5 key steps to scheduling your success (and I just might have snuck one of them in there!)

Action Lab #1 — Unpack

Define your goals and learn what the brain needs to know and how it needs to know it in order for it to not sabotage your progress.

Action Lab #2 — Sort

Learn and apply brain-based techniques to create a doable action plan. By the day you will have tangible visuals done with your unique brain in mind.

Action Lab #3 — Release

Uncover those nasty blocks, some that you don't even realize exist, and learning how to tame them.

Action Lab #4 — Arrange

Pulse check! Review where you are at and what you need to solidify for your ultimate success. Learn the top 3 daily activities to commit to habit.

Action Lab #5 — Amplify

Brain Lady Julie will share her very top tool for making sure that you REACH YOUR GOAL!

STEP #1 — Plan

Craft your personalized outreach strategy and learn the essentials of effective communication.

STEP #2 — Execute

Engage in real-time client outreach, with guidance every step of the way.

STEP #3 — Reflect

Analyze your actions, refine your approach, and prepare for sustained growth.

STEP #4 — Strategize

Develop a long-term plan to consistently hit your income goals.

STEP #5 — Streamline

Implement your new strategies and watch your business reach new heights.


Will I make $100K in a day?

If you do, let us know how! But no, that is not the aim or expectation for this workshop.

The $100K Day is designed to provide you with the framework and the foundation to add an additional $100K in top line sales to your revenue in a calendar year.

Who SHOULD attend?

Solo-Entrepreneurs, Small Business Owners, Authority Professionals — those who rely on relationships to generate revenue.

Who should NOT attend?

Why technically anyone can benefit from the strategies, tools and techniques shared in this workshop, this is not necessarily designed for lower ticket product sales, digital sales, or those focusing on social media marketing.

Additionally, if you're highly introverted, not a strong conversationalist, and do not have an established or are starting to establish a network, you will benefit significantly in the long run, but you will have more of a learning curve getting started.

How long is the workshop?

The workshop is scheduled for 3 hours starting at 10 AM ET running through 1PM ET.

What should I expect in the workshop?

Each workshop is a LIVE zoom session of a small group of individuals working on their respective businesses. Specifically, during the session, we will be identifying your core contacts to engage in conversations with throughout the year so you can streamline your outreach, operate more efficiently, and maintain a reasonable volume of meaningful relationships while systematically increasing your inbound leads!

While you are encouraged to connect and collaborate with each other after the session, we are very firm that there is no self-promoting during the session.

Can I reschedule or get a refund after I register?

All purchases are non-refundable. We understand that life happens and will do our best to reschedule you if you're unable to attend the session you signed up for. However, due to the intimate nature of these sessions and limited availability, we reserve the right to not reschedule.

Will you send recordings if I can't attend live?

Due to the private nature of the business conversations, screen sharing and possible showing of leads, we will not be providing recordings to those who did not attend the sessions.

From sabotage to sustainable — hack your brain to inspire you into action and drive you towards your destiny!

From uncertainty to undeniable success — transform your earnings and business trajectory in just one day!